Events / News

Resolute Reserve Bourbon Single Barrel

Current News:
We are updating our website to meet all demands and ensure WE MEET the guidelines of the Gov etc.
The Iowa Resolute Reserve Tour is on the road again.  Stay Tuned to our next schedule trip

The Resolute Reserve Single Barrel Bourbon is still aging along with our spectacular Resolute Reserve Double Barrel Oak Bourbon.  We have been diligently working hard with all the permits and legal documents and on all the red tape to ship to all states. 


To get our Bourbon please use the Contact US page to send the requests.   All bottles are special order as the supply is moving quickly.


The Resolute Reserved aged empty barrels 1L and 2L Barrels are back in stock. These aged barrels will be a hot commodity as they cannot sit empty for so long so they will be a custom order item. 

Resolute Reserve Merchandise - there will be a large push as this will be our key to help grow and get this great product.

The Resolute Reserve Team did the research and took the essence of Kentucky and hope to bring this back to the Quad Cities and to your homes. 

The Kentucky Crew knew the importance of Bourbon and the love of Coffee that was needed for an individual to continue in the day and the bourbon for the night.  We love those guys and they made the perfect blend and flavors for us all to enjoy. We are excited to be on this adventure with you all.

Help us Share and Spread the word. 

New Merchandise and Products will be added as we keep moving forward. .

The Resolute Team has been working on and doing some amazing things and we hope to launch these very soon.

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